Архив статей
22.03.2016 14:40
6.4.16 19.00 Moscow State Library for Children. Recital: Concerts Mozart #23 and Rachmaninoff #3 in K.Alexeev's transcription.
8..4.16 19.00 Moscow State Beethoven School of Music.Recital: Concerts Mozart #23 and Rachmaninoff...
22.03.2016 02:18
16.1.15 Recital in State Maimonid Music Moscow Academy. Franc Sonata for violin and piano. Chopin Etudes ## 10,12. Dvorak 4 Romantic Pieces for violin and piano,Mazurka e-moll for violin and piano. With E. Shpagina, violin
22.03.2016 02:05
Concerts in Spring 2015
22/03/2016 01:27
27.05.15Recital in Fisics State Institute in Moscow. Beethoven Sonata #26, Prokofiev Sonata #7, Beethoven Kreutzer Sonata for piano and violin, Ravel Sonata #2 for violin and piano. With E.Shpagina,violin
19.05.15 State Maimonid Academy in...
14.03.2016 23:18
20.12.15Recital in Moscow Sholohov State Library. Prokofiev Sonata 8, Chopin selected Etudes,List Rhapsody #12, Wild Jagd, Prokofiev Sonata #7
3.12.15 Recital in Moscow Rerich Museum. Tchaikovsky. Dumka, Carnaval, Chopin selected Etudes, Rachmaninoff Sonata #2, Prokofiev Sonatas #8, 7,...
14.03.2016 15:53
Concert in Moscow Central House of Art Workers's with M. Bezchastnov. Programme: Chopin, selected etudes, List Rhapsody #12, Prokofiev sonata #8, pieces by Scriabin, nocturne op. 27 31 by Chopin and encores. 28. 01. 19.00 Tickets:500 Rub.
Richter's MoscowMuseum in Moscow. Prokofiev . Sonatas ##7,8,...
14.03.2016 15:42
17.03 Concert also at 17.30 in Marjino School of music.Programme: concerts-23 Mozart, 1 Tchaikovsky , 3 Rachmaninoff in K. Alexeev's transcription.
30.07.2015 00:08
11.05.2015 00:31
1st half.
Chopin, List, Alexeev solo pieces
2nd half.
Beethoven Kreutzer sonata and Ravel 2 violin sonata