Архив статей

16.03.2024 06:32

15.2.24 Recital in Moscow Goldenweiser museum. 19.00

1 half.Beethoven. Sonatas ##20,82 half.Chopin. Nocturne e minor. Mazurcas op. 63##2,3, Mazurka "Emil Gaillard". Polonaise c sharp minor. Etudes op.25##1,7,11,12.List. Forgotten Waltz #1. Rhapsody #12Bis: Chopin. "Minute" Waltz. Tchaikovsky. " January " from the Seasons


16.03.2024 06:31

17.1.24 Concert in Moscow Scriabin museum. 19.00

Chopin. Scherzo #2. Etudes op.25#12


16.03.2024 06:29

Concert in Music school in Lytkarino, Moscow regio.18.00

Chopin. Etudes op.25##1,6,12


14.01.2024 12:08

13.1.24 Recital in Tarussa House of Writers. 17.00

1 halfBeethoven. Sonata ##20,82 halfChopin. Nocturne e minor. Mazurkas op.63 ##2,3. Polonaise #1. Etudes op.25 ##1,6,7,12List. Waltz Oublee #1. Rhapsody #12Bis:Chopin. Waltz c sharp minor


26.12.2023 11:44

22.12.23 Concert in Club "Atom" , Moscow.

Chopin. Etudes op.10#1,op.25#12


26.12.2023 11:42

22.12.23 Recital in Moscow Dostoevsky museum. 19.00

1 halfBeethoven. Sonata ##20,82 halfChopin. Nocturne e minor. Mazurkas op.63##2,3. Polonaise c sharp minor. Etudes op.25##1,6,12List. Waltz Oublee #1. Rhapsody #12


26.12.2023 11:40

25.11.23 Concert in Lytkarino House of Culture "World". 18.30

Chopin. Etudes op.25##6,12


26.12.2023 11:38

23.11.23 Recital in Lytkarino library.

Beethoven. Sonata #8Chopin. Nocturne op.27#1. Etudes op.25##6,12. Scherzo#2


26.12.2023 11:37

18.11.22 Concert in Moscow Piano rooms. 19.00

Chopin. Etude #1


26.12.2023 10:15

11.11.23 Recital in Moscow Belyaevo gallery. 15.00

1 halfBeethoven. Sonata ##20,82 half. Tchaikovsky. 3 Pieces from "The Seasons": January, March,FebruaryRachmaninoff. Elegia,BarcarolleChopin. Etudes op.10 ##9,11. Etudes op.25 ##6,12. Scherzo #2
