Архив статей
12.12.2024 01:11
2 half. Chopin. Concert #2,version for piano and string quintet with "Vdohnovenie" Ensemble. Bis. Chopin. Scherzo #2
12.12.2024 01:08
1 half. Musical numbers from operettas with soprano Irina Novikova. 2 half. Solo. Beethoven Sonata #8. Tchaikovsky. October,November,December from the Seasons. Chopin. Nocturnes ##1,2,op.27#1,op.55#1. Scherzo #2
12.12.2024 01:05
Tchaikovsky. January,June,October,November,December from the Seasons. Chopin. Nocturnes ##1,2. Waltzes "Les Adieux", b minor, "Minute", c sharp minor, op.42. Polonaise #1, Etudes ##1,24
12.12.2024 00:58
Repeat of the program from 3.10.24. Bis. Chopin Waltzes c sharp minor,"Minute"
12.12.2024 00:56
1 half. Beethoven Sonata #8. Chopin Nocturnes ##1,2, Polonaise #1. 2 half. Beethoven Sonata #17. Chopin. Nocturnes op.27#1,op.55#1, Scherzo #2. Bis. Chopin Waltz c sharp minor
07.12.2024 08:36
1 half. Beethoven.Sonata #8. Chopin. Nocturnes ##1,2, Polonaise #1. 2 half. Beethoven. Sonata #17. Chopin. Nocturnes op.27#1, op.55#1, Scherzo #2. Bis. Chopin.Waltz op.42
07.12.2024 08:33
1 half. Romances by Russian and European composers with soprano Irina Novikova. 2 half.Solo. Chopin. Polonaise #1. Beethoven. Sonatas ##17,8
07.12.2024 07:17
Repeat of the program of Dostoevsky museum recital on 19.9.24. Bis. Chopin. Waltz b minor
07.12.2024 07:14
1 half. Beethoven. Sonata #17. Chopin. Nocturnes ##1,2. Polonaise #1. 2 half. Beethoven. Sonata #8. Chopin. Nocturnes op.27#1,op.55#1, Scherzo #2. Bis. Chopin. Waltzes c sharp minor, "Minute"
07.12.2024 07:10
Haydn. Sonata #52. Mozart. Fantasy d minor,Sonata c minor. Tchaikovsky. January,December from the Seasons. Chopin. Polonaise #1, Scherzo #2. Bis. Chopin. "Minute" Waltz